Fembot Initiative to again join Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

The Fembot Collective, a UO community dedicated to feminist intellectual work, is joining Ms. Magazine and the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism to hold a Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon to contribute figures, movements, organizations and ideas historically marginalized because of gender, race and sexuality to Wikipedia.

The event takes place all day Friday, March 11, in the Ms. Magazine office in Beverly Hills, California, but remote participation is encouraged. The event is free but attendees are required to RSVP the fembotcollective.org website and to make their own Wikipedia account.

Fembot began as the Center for the Study of Women in Society’s Gender, New Media, and Technology Research Interest Group more than five years ago and used seed money to grow into an international collective focused on feminist media studies and digital humanities. It is supported primarily by funding and assistance from the CSWS, the UO Libraries Digital Scholarship Center and the UO School of Journalism and Communication.

The Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon not only will contribute to the world of free and accessible knowledge but also will emphasize a conscious feminist approach. The event will feature three tracks: writing the history of athletics from the margins, excavating the Ms. Magazine archives and producing content with new ideas.

It will also be followed by an “Un-Conference on Digital Tools for Civic Engagement” on Saturday, March 12, at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, which is geared to introduce digital tools and create ways to harness, hack and expand them for feminist scholarship and civic engagement.

For more information about the initiative and the event, visit fembotcollective.org.

—By Lea Adamovic, University Communications intern