Alex-Assensoh's Chronicle op-ed about SCOTUS remand of Texas diversity case and need for "courageous dialogue"

An op-ed piece by Yvette Alex-Assensoh, the UO's vice president for equity inclusion, appears today in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

The column discusses the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to remand a University of Texas equal access case to a lower court, and the opportunity it raises to more effectively achieve the goal of a diverse student population.

From the op-ed:

"This is our opportunity today: To ask the many provocative questions that no Supreme Court ruling can easily answer, because the answers lie in the courageous dialogue, heartfelt deliberations, and novel ideas that are often missing from court cases. We need to look at the Fisher case as a blessing in disguise, a chance to rethink our assumptions about the role of education in American society, to create processes that increase access to a wider array of talented individuals, and to widen the circle of collaborators who help us make these determinations."