Benefits office uses survey results to plan for open enrollment

Results from the recent open enrollment survey affirm that direct email and a dedicated webpage are the best ways to reach University of Oregon employees about important open enrollment benefit information.

“We were so pleased with the response to our survey request,” said Cindi Peterson, benefits manager in the Office of Human Resources. “Thank you to all who took the time to complete the survey. We heard from about 20 percent of benefit-eligible employees. The responses reinforced our communication strategy and provided insight into open enrollment participation.”

Benefits open enrollment, an annual requirement for all benefit-eligible employees, typically takes place during October. The benefits office finds it challenging each year to ensure that all benefit-eligible employees are informed about the open enrollment process and deadlines as well as benefit changes. Survey feedback reassured benefits staff that resources generated by the benefits office, such as website content and direct emails, are heavily relied upon. Employees can expect more of the same this year.

“Let us be your primary source of information throughout open enrollment,” Peterson said. Survey results indicate that most employees are utilizing the resources provided by the benefits office and the Public Employees Benefits Board, or PEBB, but breakdowns tend to occur when employees turn to other resources, Peterson said.

Open enrollment will occur during October again this year. According to Peterson, the benefits office will continue to reach benefits-eligible employees about the open enrollment process, deadlines and changes to benefit plans through Around the O, direct emails and the open enrollment webpage.

Survey responses shed light on additional information and resources that would further assist employees with navigating open enrollment, Peterson said. The benefits office will share helpful links and details over the next few months leading up to open enrollment to inform and educate employees on general health insurance topics and PEBB resources in preparation for taking action during open enrollment.