In Case of Emergency: UO shares training program

Following high profile incidents of violence at schools, universities, and even military bases across the country, the University of Oregon has updated its plans to respond to such situations.

“Despite the low likelihood of such an event, we’re doing a number of things to mitigate, prepare for, and respond to an act of violence on our campus,” says Krista Dillon, assistant director of Emergency Management. Dillon and her staff have developed, and annually update, the UO’s Emergency Operations Plan. The plan includes a specific outline details the responsibilities of staff and students in case of emergency.

“Preparing for emergencies is everyone’s responsibility,” Dillon said.

Key to the plan is a trained Incident Management Team (IMT) that responds to emergencies. “The IMT includes representatives from across campus who gathers monthly to review procedures, train and exercise on response and discuss topics of concern,” said Dillon.

One critical element tool is the. UO Alerts program—a subscription based service which notifies members of the campus community by text message in case of on-campus emergencies.

The university offers a suite of resources to help prevent violence on campus. Resources include the Counseling and Testing Center, Dean’s Consultation Committee, the UO Police and substance abuse and suicide prevention programs.

Emergency Management staff have developed procedures for responding to 11 different incidents and have made them available to all faculty, staff and students. To address concerns about campus shootings [the rise in concerns surrounding an active shooter incident], the UO developed a violence prevention training program, co-hosted by the Counseling and Testing Center, Emergency Management and Continuity and the UO Police Department. The comprehensive training covers potential warning signs for violent behavior, a video illustrating options for individuals faced with violence on campus and an overview of preparedness activities underway campus wide. The program also suggests ways departments and individuals can prepare.

“Since the training program’s inception we have received positive feedback about its relevant and informative content,” Dillon said. “This new training program will help everyone on campus be more prepared.”

The training video is now available online for review by students, faculty and staff at any time. Please note that the video does require you to log in with your DuckID.

- By Jen McCulley, Public Affairs Communications