Collective bargaining: Updates on employee union negotiations

The University of Oregon is in active negotiations with employee unions to reach new collective bargaining agreements. The following updates are offered to keep the campus community informed.

Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation:

UO and GTFF bargaining teams issued a joint statement following their last mediation session: 

Dear Colleagues,

We had the most productive meeting that we have ever had bargaining late into the evening. Both sides heard each other’s interest and the biggest point of difference, health insurance, has been tentatively resolved pending reaching agreement on a full package. The parties hope to complete work on the agreement when they meet again on Tuesday.


Missy Matella and Peter Fehrs, UO Negotiators

Mike Magee and Michael Marchman, GTFF Negotiators

Mediation continues on Tuesday, Oct. 29. 

The union issued a strike notice to the university last week stating their intent to strike on Nov. 4 should an agreement not be reached. 

The human resources website provides updates on negotiations, including the details of the university’s latest offer, and administrative resources for continuity planning.  

Service Employee International Union:

SEIU’s ratification voting process will be completed by the end of the month to approve the tentative agreement reached with Oregon’s seven public universities. The new contract is expected to be implemented in November. 

United Academics:

Bargaining with United Academics opens in January 2020.

University of Oregon Police Association:

Bargaining with UOPA opens in January 2020.