A couple minutes with ... Donelle Manton

The latest “A couple minutes with…” video interview features Donelle Manton, at program assistant in the UO Annual Giving Program … who also is the founder of Tres Islas Orphanage Fund in Mazatlan, Mexico.

Manton's day job is all about supporting the UO mission of education and access, she's accomplishing similar things in Mexico. Her goal is to assist children in the orphanage "from cradle through college," emphasizing education and the opportunities it creates.

Got a suggestion for someone we should spend “a couple minutes with …”? Send an e-mail to Inside Oregon editor Joe Mosley.

We’re looking for people whose personal interests make them stand out. We’ve focused on ultramarathoners, aspiring cartoonists and roller derby "jammers." If someone's pastime has caught your interest, pass it along!

- by Dillon Pilorget, UO Office of Strategic Communications intern