Faculty and staff reminded to complete mandatory training

Employees — including faculty members, classified staff, officers of administration and graduate employees — are reminded to complete the mandatory web-based workplace harassment and discrimination prevention training available through MyTrack by the end of the spring term.

The university is committed to providing a work environment free from discrimination and harassment, while promoting a respectful workplace, both on and off campus. This includes other institutions or online, or places like field sites, facilities, conferences or workshops.

“At UO, research and learning occur in a variety of locations and involve those who are directly affiliated with the university, as well as many who are not,” said Kaia Rogers, co-interim chief human resources officer. “Expectations for workplace conduct and compliance with university policies apply regardless of circumstances or location. Faculty and staff are reminded to adhere to these standards in all that they do.”

Appropriate workplace conduct is expected for those working on externally funded projects. Last fall, the National Science Foundation implemented a new policy that requires notification by awardee institutions for any findings or determinations of sexual harassment, other forms of harassment or sexual assault by a principal investigator or co-principal investigator. The National Institute of Health recently issued a statement calling for similar plans.

“The University of Oregon takes pride in its research and discovery,” said David Conover, vice president for research and innovation. “Here, each member of our community is afforded the opportunity to conduct research and pursue innovation in an environment free from discrimination and harassment.”