UO and OSU team up for a Title IX workshop July 26-28

The complexities of Title IX are many and the University of Oregon and Oregon State University are working together to ensure that employees interested or connected to the federal gender equity law have the information they need to be of assistance in challenging situations.

From July 26-28, UO and OSU are hosting a free Title IX workshop open to professionals working with or who have interest in understanding Title IX responsibilities and requirements.

The series take place on the UO campus and will include an overview of Title IX as well as compliance, investigative skill building and best practices.

Interested individuals are able to register online at https://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cOv5ZbZHbGQ8hyl

The 2½-day event is sponsored and funded by the UO and OSU and includes continental breakfast, lunch and a barbecue event from 5:30-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 26.

The deadline for registration is July 20.