Title IX

New website offers one-stop info on inclusion resources

Users can report an incident or find support services across campus

UO recognized for its student sexual health programs

Inside Higher Ed uses the UO as an example of getting it right

University releases its annual Clery crime report

The required annual report summarizes crime reports on and near campus

Sincere apologies are healing, UO psychologist tells Verily

Jennifer Freyd helps probe the wisdom of “forgive and forget” in a feature story in a magazine devoted to empowering women

UO professor demands change for LGBTQ equality after Orlando

Gash is concerned that the Orlando shooting was fostered by a political climate that allows LGBTQ individuals to be “routinely vilified”

UO professor interviewed on gender and bathrooms on public radio

Gash said the controversy around gender-neutral bathrooms is part of a long-running backlash against the LGBTQ community

UO releases new sexual assault climate survey results

The AAU led survey effort suggested more awareness and education is needed

President announces further progress in sexual assault prevention effort

The new 14-member Sexual Assault Advisory Council will help guide and evaluate the university’s sexual violence prevention plan.

New survey on sexual climate suggests more awareness of services is needed

Preliminary findings of 2015 survey of UO students are delivered to international summit as the UO continues steps to address the issues.

Low awareness of services, perceptions of support continue in UO campus sex climate

2015 survey of University of Oregon students also uncovers potential higher risks for sexual harassment among law students.