Ford Alumni Center honored with Wood Design Award

The University of Oregon’s Ford Alumni Center is a national award winner for its interior use of wood products.

WoodWorks, an initiative of the Wood Products Council, announced the winners of its 2013 national Wood Design Awards, including the top honor for “Interior Beauty of Wood” to the Ford Alumni Center. Awards were presented earlier this winter in San Francisco.

According to WoodWorks, the awards “celebrate excellence in wood design, engineering and construction, as well as innovative projects that showcase attributes of wood such as strength, beauty, versatility, cost-effectiveness and sustainability.” There were more than 90 submissions in this year’s competition.

Photos of the winning projects are available on the WoodWorks website,

The Ford Alumni Center architect was Opsis Architecture from Portland and the engineer was Haris Engineering from Overland Park, Kan.

- from the UO Office of Strategic Communications