HR issues respectful workplace notice and resources

The 2024 respectful workplace notice was distributed in an email from Mark Schmelz, vice president and chief human resources officer, on Jan. 30. Research and instructional faculty, classified employees, officers of administration, graduate employees and student employees received the message, which the Office of Human Resources issues every year.

“Every employee at the University of Oregon should feel safe and respected at work,” said UO President Karl Scholz. “The UO is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment free from discrimination and harassment, and the respectful workplace notice is one of the ways that we seek to meet this aspiration.”

Supervisors and unit heads have a special responsibility in this area and should use the respectful workplace notice to reinforce standards of conduct in the workplace.

“Supervisors’ attitudes toward respect and inclusion can influence the behavior of an entire department,” Schmelz said. “We do expect them to lead by example and pay close attention to address problematic behaviors as they occur. Units are always welcome to reach out to HR and other campus resources for support and guidance.” 

All employees should review the notice to understand UO’s workplace behavioral expectations and what to do if they are the target of abuse, discrimination or harassment in the workplace.

But a workplace free of these things is a baseline expectation that Schmelz encourages units to go beyond. 

“We can each probably think of something we could do as a department or an individual to make someone feel better about their work or foster a more effective working relationship with us,” he said. “Beyond the minimum expectation of physical safety and freedom from harassment, it’s to our advantage to help each other feel included. Let’s each do our part to continue working to meet our aspirations.”