New federal regulations affect purchases more than $10,000

New regulations that govern how federal dollars are spent now require the university to meet new administrative requirements for purchases between $10,000 and $25,000.

The new federal rules set administrative requirements, impose cost principles and set audit requirements for federal money awarded to the university. These regulations are commonly referred to as “uniform guidance.”

Purchasing and Contracting Services provides a road map to compliance on the uniform guidance webpage. The new process includes obtaining quotes prior to purchase, developing a cost analysis as part of the review and documenting purchasing decisions.

Uniform guidance processes and procedures were already in place for purchases of more than $25,000.

The purchasing portal has been updated to meet the new requirements. Department representatives responsible for purchasing will be prompted to provide additional information and record justifications.

Any university employee involved in purchasing processes should visit the uniform guidance webpage and make plans to attend a training. Upcoming training opportunities are available on the purchasing portal.