Peer reviewers will host forums during UO visit this fall

The University of Oregon will undergo peer evaluation in October 2024 as part of its accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.  

Institutional accreditation is a process of recognizing educational institutions for their performance, integrity and quality. It applies to the institution as a whole and is not granted permanently or for a definite number of years. Accreditation is an ongoing status that must be reaffirmed periodically. 

As part of UO’s accreditation with NWCCU, it must undergo a comprehensive self-study addressing all standards and eligibility requirements through an on-site peer evaluation.  

On Oct. 9-11, the UO will welcome several regional peer reviewers to the Eugene campus to meet with university governance and leadership. They will also hold separate forums for faculty members, staff members and students. Campus community members are encouraged to attend these forums and share their feedback. Members may also send comments to NWCCU no later than ten days before the visit. 

The UO has been continuously accredited by the NWCCU since 1918 and was most recent reaffirmed in July 2017. The university initiated the current seven-year accreditation cycle in 2018. 

To learn more about UO’s accreditation with NWCCU, and to follow updates about the upcoming peer review, visit the provost’s website