Purchasing and contracting staff to hold informal meetup

Editor's note: This story has been updated with a new venue and time.

The University of Oregon Purchasing and Contracting Services team wants to get to know staff on campus and is holding a series of informal, voluntary meetups to establish relationships and cross-departmental connections.

Drop by McMenamins East 19th Café, 1485 East 19th Avenue, on Thursday, Feb. 29, at 3:30 p.m. Attendees can buy their own refreshments or snacks.

"Leave the contract questions at home!" Brie Campbell, contracts officer, said. "We won't be discussing matter status updates, trainings or fielding complaints — we’ll keep it light and focus on building working relationships."

Purchasing and Contracting Services handles contracts, procurement, third-party vendors, and operates the purchasing portal and Duck Depot.

The first meetup took place in January at Starbucks. 

Anyone with questions can contact Campbell at brianac@uoregon.edu.