UO art museum honored for community arts partnership

The UO's Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art recently became the first local arts organization to receive a second award from BRAVA — Business Recognizing Arts Vision & Achievement.

The award was in the Arts and Business Partnership category for the museum’s work with Imagination International Inc., a Eugene-based art supply company that also promotes community art education. The two organizations have teamed up to provide art education to area youth and assist adults with memory loss.

Among the projects coming out of the partnership are youth art classes using Arty the Art Bus, a city bus converted into a mobile classroom that visits students in six school districts. Last fall, the two groups began Tracing Memories, an arts program for adults with early onset dementia, memory loss or Alzheimer’s disease.

 “Thanks to Imagination International we can make a difference in the lives of so many,” said museum Executive Director Jill Hartz. “We are thrilled to have such a visionary and supportive partner in the arts and health care field.”

The museum earned a BRAVA award in the same category in 2010 for its partnership with Kendall Subaru. The BRAVA awards are part of the Arts & Business Alliance of Eugene.