Senior Spotlights: Commencement 2024

Commencement 2024

As our graduates get ready to leave the nest and fly into an exciting, ever-changing world, we would like to celebrate just a few of the many who have accomplished great things during their time at the University of Oregon. These members of the class of 2024 demonstrated strength, creativity, and ingenuity, pursuing passions that will change their lives and the lives of others. With your diplomas in hand, you now embark on a journey of endless opportunities, equipped with knowledge and a spirit that will shape the world. We can’t wait to see the paths you will take!

Nnabuife Shedrack Ezema

Nnabuife Shedrack Ezema
Major: Master of Laws
Hometown: Ibegama Village, Idi-Opi, Enugu State, Nigeria

“Do not be discouraged when you walk difficult paths to your dreams. Adversities prepare us for difficult journeys. Studying at the School of Law is like learning on the job. It is tasking and intensive. But it prepares you for the adversities and challenges of real-world practice. If your dream is to be a pathfinder in the legal profession, the University of Oregon School of Law is your best destination.”

Evelynn Tylka

Evelynn Tylka
Major: Accounting and General Music
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

“What made my experience at the UO most special was joining the wonderful communities within the School of Music and Dance and Business. Creating meaningful connections helped me progress academically more than I would have ever imagined.”

Maryn Sommerfeldt

Maryn Sommerfeldt
Major: Juris Doctor
Hometown: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

“The feedback loop at Oregon Law is so proportional to what energy you put in. To get the most out of this experience, lean into the community here. Oregon has such a welcoming and tight-knit legal community that you will continue to be a part of after law school. Don’t be afraid to reach out and lean on others.”

Maisie McCarley

Maisie McCarley 
Major: Public Relations
Hometown: Portland, Oregon

"I’ve been so lucky to be surrounded by people and friends who have made my experience unforgettable. The School of Journalism and Communication has provided me with a tight-knit community and network. It’s a mecca of extremely talented and driven individuals, and I feel so fortunate to be a part of it.”

Jessica Hovermale

Jessica Hovermale 
Major: Dance and Planning, Public Policy, and Management
Hometown: Corvallis, Oregon

“During my time in the dance department at UO, I have been pushed out of my comfort zone in dancing, leadership, and life through movement, research, and connecting with those around me. The School of Music and Dance has helped me grow as both a person and an artist.”

Natalie Hawkins

Natalie Hawkins
Major: Planning, Public Policy, and Management
Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii

“I came in my freshman year as a business administration major and here I am four years later ready to start a career in politics. Take advantage of all the opportunities given to you and know that you are deserving of every opportunity that comes your way!”

Bachelor's Degrees
Master's Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Law Degrees


Marion Guinnee

Marion Guinnee 
Major: Theatre Arts
Hometown: Portland, Oregon

“Working on the [University Theatre] productions as a stage manager helped me learn vital leadership, collaboration, and teamwork skills. These productions had such a positive impact on my time at UO because they created lifelong bonds with both my peers and my professors. Building community through making art has been such an impactful experience for me.”

Maddy Nelson

Maddy Nelson
Major: Romance Languages and Sociology
Hometown: Bend, Oregon

“One thing that really made my experience at UO special was attending sporting events! I loved going to football, basketball, baseball, softball, and lacrosse games and showing my love for the Ducks. My dad and I really bonded on going to football games together! I also love a good fourth quarter “Shout” with my friends.”

Grace Bonilla

Grace Bonilla
Major: Master’s in Couples and Family Therapy
Hometown: Portland, Oregon

“I remember feeling so supported [during a speech she gave representing the organization Students Against Child Abuse] and surrounded by people who truly cared about me and cheered me on along the way.”

Carter Cunningham

Carter Cunningham
Major: Accounting
Hometown: Eugene, Oregon

“I grew up in the Eugene area and have been a lifelong Duck fan, so being able to work [as a GoDucks creative intern] for the team that I grew up idolizing has been a dream come true. I have made a ton of friends and memories, as well as had some great experiences like traveling with the men’s basketball team for two full seasons and getting to shoot multiple ESPN College Gamedays.”

Emily Bopp

Emily Bopp
Major: Master’s in Musicology
Hometown: Spokane, Washington

“The Chamber Choir connected me to wonderful people, challenged my musicianship, and set great examples in scholar leadership that I’ll definitely carry with me as I step into the working world. I have an amazing cohort full of kind, intelligent, fun, and supportive people. Getting to do grad school in this community is the biggest blessing.”

Claire Curtain

Claire Curtin
Major: Family and Human Services and General Social Science
Hometown: Chicago, Illinois

“Make your passions a central part of the opportunities you pursue. The more excited you are about something, the more equipped you are to give it your all. Let your passions lead you!”

double majors
triple majors
age of oldest graduate
age of youngest graduate


Aarushi Dhamdhere

Aarushi Dhamdhere
Major: Human Physiology
Hometown: Beaverton, Oregon

“I have worked with a wonderful executive board [with MEDLIFE, a health-careers student group she co-founded]. Not only have I been able to meet with like-minded students, but also be a part of a community that supports one another!"

Sophia Ramazzotti

Sophia Ramazzotti
Major: : Master’s in Advertising and Brand Responsibility
Hometown: Healdsburg, California

“I adored giving tours to prospective students on campus, rain or shine. The Student Ambassador program is filled with wonderful people from all around campus that you may not get to meet otherwise.”

Justice Kelley

Justice Kelley
Major: Juris Doctor
Hometown: Bolinas, California

“Take every piece of advice with a grain of salt. There is no one-size-fits-all for law school, but if you commit to showing up and trying your best, you will find the path that works for you. Also, take advantage of the opportunity to encounter new people and form new relationships—I met my now-fiancé on the first day of 1L.”

Michael Wilkins

Michael Wilkins
Major: Journalism and Political Science
Hometown: Pasadena, California

“The people who I have met have made UO special to me. I found my best friends here and they have made my experience worthwhile. Come to school with an open mind and heart, you will never know who you will meet.”

Bjorn Johansen

Bjorn Johansen
Major: Advertising
Hometown: Eugene, Oregon

“Getting to know the professors you look up to is invaluable because they can share incredible wisdom and guidance. Whether it's getting their advice on something you’re working on, or just telling them about what’s going on in your life, they teach to connect with students.”

Ellie Nicoll

Ellie Nicoll
Major: Art and Technology and Advertising
Hometown: Portland, Oregon

“I found people [in Allen Hall Advertising] who wanted to create with me, challenge me, and push me to make real-world work that grew my portfolio, experience, and professional credibility. Immerse yourself in as many activities that genuinely interest you and can help you find your passion for your future career.”