Oregon Quarterly Summer 2015

Oregon Quarterly Summer 2015 cover
Poignant, whimsical, troubling, and powerful, the work of this renowned artist is now on exhibit at the JSMA
Led by President Prince Lucien Campbell, the campus community drew together to face the Spanish Flu
John Frohnmayer, JD '72, analyzes his brother Dave's success as an advocate at the nation's highest court
Winner of the 16th annual Oregon Quarterly Northwest Perspectives Essay Contest
A summer internship with the Oregon Innocence Project was a revelation for political science major Alex Deitz
Doug Toomey and Emilie Hooft, UO geophysicists, team up to explore the underpinnings of the planet
A poem excerpted from alum Rodger Moody's new book History 
Remembering UO's 15th president Dave Frohnmayer and the legacy that he left 
Student Francesca Fontana finds a doorway that embodies what she pictured college would look like
Meet a few members of our flock who have found their places in the limelight
Alum Jeff Hansen got hooked on branding, and now heads Microsoft's global branding efforts
Composer Michael Harrison finds beauty in ancient and modern musical tunings
A Eugene-based multicultural magazine for children has honed students’ editorial skills while providing a sense of sanctuary
A look into the Bayocean saga and how life has its unforeseen waves
Letters to the editor include a joyful 50th reunion, discussion about sexual assault, and looking at diversity of opinion 
Visit OQ on Issuu to view or download the Summer 15 edition or any of our previous issues.